Knock Out Some Miles With Channel 19 Experience

Join us for inspiring tales, interviews, and discussion. Better yet share your stories!

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Latest Channel 19 Experience Trucker Podcast Episodes

S1E2 - The Other Side of My Trucking Family Tree and Interview with MJ Love Johnson

S1E3 Don't Blow the Scales and Interviews with Big Cal and Cindy

S1E4 Kidney Stones, Batman and Broken Hearts - Interview with Gary

What People Are Saying

I love your podcast!

You did great! I shared it on our page and most our staff listen & shared too! I love your podcast!

- Jan (Facebook)

Already enjoy listening

Already enjoy listening and appreciate what you're doing with this podcast. Keep them big wheels rollin y'all

-BobstTrucking (YouTube)

Looking forward to more

Very enjoyable looking forward to more

— jimfiosk585 (YouTube)

Thanks for sharing your stories

Thanks much for sharing your stories. Love to hear about how people "got started". Cheers!!

— NarenLakshmipathy (YouTube)